Radiant skin without wrinkles... Is it possible?

As the years go by, the skin loses its firmness and radiance. This is caused by imperfections, which include deep and fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, furrows, graying and rough skin. All these problems can be remedied using Harmony multifunctional platform. An excellent solution to help combats already existing problems, as well as protect the skin from future aging, is the use of the Near- Infrared (NIR) head. The NIR head uses infrared light technology to introduce high temperatures into the deep layers of the skin. This kind of thermolifting causes collagen fibers to shorten, stimulating the production of new ones and increasing elastin. As a result, the treated skin thickens and increases its elasticity. By damaging the skin in this way, controlled inflammatory foci are created in the skin, which initiate the healing process and begin its remodeling. With this method, the recovery time is shortened. After these treatments, the production of new collagen begins, which will make the skin firmer and tighter. The effect of skin tightening is noticeable immediately after the treatment and becomes more pronounced with each passing day. The treatment itself is safe for all skin phototypes and for delicate skin areas (face, neck, cleavage). The treatment with the NIR head is painless. During the treatment, a pleasant warmth is felt, which allows you to relax for a while, while having an intense effect on the skin. Additional advantages of thermolifting with the NIR head are the lack of convalescence period and the possibility of performing it throughout the year.

  • • loss of skin firmness
  • • fine and deep wrinkles
  • • wrinkles
  • • gray complexion
  • • loss of a "healthy" skin appearance
  • • analgesic effect on selected parts of the body