Chemical peeling is a medical procedure involving the application to the skin of one or more layers of exfoliating substances that cause removal, regeneration, and stimulation of the epidermis and/or dermis. It is a procedure that improves the condition of the skin and is an effective and safe treatment method in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. This method of therapy provides the expected results through a series of treatments and regularity of application. There are 3 types of chemical peels: superficial, medium-depth and deep, and the depth of their penetration depends on the type and concentration of the chemical used.
  • • Seborrhea
  • • Acne vulgaris
  • • Shallow scars
  • • Stretch marks
  • • Abnormal and excessive keratosis
  • • Hyperpigmentation (post-inflammatory, post-sun)
  • • Aging and photoaging of the skin
  • • Skin after intensive sunbathing
  • • Open wounds
  • • Allergies to exfoliating substances
  • • Pregnancy
  • • Active inflammatory diseases
  • • Autoimmune diseases
  • • Cryotherapy within the last six months
  • • Recent intense exposure to UV radiation (sun, tanning bed, phototherapy)
  • • Fresh scars
  • • Dark skin phototypes
  • • Herpes
  • • Active bacterial or viral diseases
  • • Susceptibility to scarring and scar formation